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Update 31 October 2014
October 31, 2014

Update 31 October 2014

Welcome to another issue of brainyforex newsletter.

Newsletter subscribers can now access the longer term direction for the US Dollar using password usa. An update will be posted each month. The page is here

Our KeltnerPro EA testing of Jared's automated trading system is going well. It confirms that the results posted by Jared on his live account are accurate as we are getting similar results.

This EA uses a seemingly simple strategy of entering a trade once the market has become active and only stays with this trend for a short period of time averaging 5 hours to try and capitalize on a small profit average of about 40 pips. The losing trades average 23 pips and only remain open just over one hour.

Good to see a mathematical sound strategy which closes losing trades fast with a tight stop loss strategy. View the results on the testing page here

If anyone is looking for a VPS provider, Red Paladin now offers a 10 day free trial. Brainyforex has been using them for years and they are very good. To access the free trial go

Till next time


Fritz Gewerth

PS - Spread the word about "Blowing the lid off scammers!"

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