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Why I like the Skilled Trader EA December 21, 2020 |
HiWhy I like the Skilled Trader EAMany traders consider the number one aspect of a trading system to be it's profit factor. The more profit it has made in the past the better. That's all and fine but there are of course other factors that are important trading statistics that can be of real value to see if the strategy will continue to profit into the future. One of the most important factors I believe is the systems "RISK OF RUIN" statistics. The risk of ruin is calculated as a percentage to show what the chances are of losing a set amount of money during a systems drawdown. For example, what I like about the Skilled Trader EA is that it has a 3.3% chance of losing 10% of the account balance having to have 33 consecutive losing trades in a row for that to happen. And it has a less than 1% chance of losing 20% of the account balance having to have 67 consecutive losing trades in a row. Some algo traders may not be happy with the Skilled Trader's performance of approx 80% profit during 2020 but if they compare other more profitable trading systems with the "risk of ruin" statistics to that of what the Skilled Trader EA has achieved I don't think they could come close to matching it? That's why I think the Skilled Trader EA will be a profitable trading system during 2021 and beyond because it controls risk so well. If you want to see it's other trading statistics, scroll to the BOTTOM of this page here PS : Also remember if your looking for testing strategy software, now is the time to act because prices are discounted for the xmas season. Till next time Regards Fritz Gewerth PS - Spread the word about "Blowing the lid off scammers!" To contact me, please use the contact form on brainyforex instead of replying to this email newsletter. Contact me here. |
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