by Fritz
Recently I came across a short video clip of Stephen Wiltshire, who is an artist living in London. When he was eleven years old he drew a perfect aerial view of the city of London after only one helicopter ride. The intricate details of the drawing was amazing as he included the correct number of windows of the major buildings.
The video below shows a test of Stephen's abilities. He was taken to Rome and given a 45 minute helicopter ride of the city center and asked to draw it on a five and a half yard canvas. He had to remember thousands of details of the city and complete the drawing within three days.
Afterward they compared his drawing to the real thing, and it was truly amazing how accurate he was.
This video reminded me of the awesome power buried within our human brains. Whatever endeavor we set ourselves, trading related or otherwise, we need to be careful not to put too many limitations on ourselves.
The link to watch the video is