by Fritz
Scam. As shown in the statement fxrogue lost about $323 in 69 days. The opening deposit at 12 January 2012 was $3,000 and the closing balance at 20 March 2012 was $2,677. The system had 548 winning trades and 394 losing trades. It lost a massive -3008 pips in that period.
You can log into ThinkForex broker account 11264615 with investor password mc7epqh.
Very disappointing results within the 69 day period as the sales and marketing page says the system guarantees very high returns each month.
With such bad results something has obviously gone wrong with their head trader. Maybe he resigned and someone else has tried to fill in? What-ever happen our testing shows it to be a scam. Sorry FXRogue but losing -3008 pips within 69 days is very bad.